
Stereotypes In Women's Sports

Good Essays

Turn on a sports channel, odds are it is a male sport or the talking of men in sports playing. The odds that this is true is because according to the Washington Post, “in 2014, ‘SportsCenter’ dedicated just two percent of its highlight program to women’s sports” (Talbi). That would mean that they could go nearly an entire show and only mention women once. Women compared to men in their image of their respective sports is incredibly less. Women are shown as more of an attractive side while men are shown as more heroic or athletic. Studies have been taken showing how unfair women are shown in sports compared to men. How does the attractiveness and athleticism of women’s sports play a role in their sponsorships and media portrayal? Women’s attractiveness …show more content…

They are thought of just because that they are women that they can’t play sports. There was a journal article written by Murray called “Corporate Sponsorship for Women’s Sports.” It covers many different things such as how a corporation should appropriately propose a sponsorship and how that sponsorship will do good for the person receiving it. Also it talks about programs that are set aside for student athletes. However, the main part talked about stereotypes places on women, and the media coverage of them. She says, “The pervasive stereotype of women in sports is that ‘men do while women watch,’ The media reinforce this stereotype by portraying female athletes as over glamorized, over- feminized, and too emotional to deal with success and failure on the playing field” (Murray 74). She is saying that the media takes women sports and throws stereotypes on them such as being too pretty, or too dramatic when in reality they are there just to play the sport not be pretty. Murray later came up with a solution on how to lower these stereotypes which would be by increasing the media coverage of these women. This journal article is yet another heavy example as to how the media portrayal and how they showcase women is degrading compared to how they show

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