
Understanding Erickson 's Stages Of Psychosocial Development

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Development Throughout the Lifespan Trevor Endre Dr. Michelle Greene Personality Theories Argosy University April 12, 2017 Before I go into the details of my observations I am going to explain Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial development. These include, stage one: Trust versus mistrust, Stage two: Autonomy versus doubt, Stage three: Initiative versus guilt, Stage four: Industry versus inferiority, Stage five: Identity versus role confusion, Stage six: Intimacy versus isolation, Stage seven: Generativity versus stagnation, and finally Stage eight: Integrity versus despair. Stage one takes place from when a child is born until the age of one. In stage one “the infant is uncertain about the world in which they live”. (Saul …show more content…

During this time the adult centers themselves around making intimate/ loving relationships. Success in this endeavor leads to strong relationships while failure leads to isolation. Stage seven Takes place between forty and sixty-five. During this time people feel the need to create things or nurture things that will outlive them, often creating things that will benefit others. “Success leads to feelings of usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvement in the world.” (McLeod) Finally we have stage eight. Stage eight takes place between the ages of sixty-five and death. During this stage one reflects upon their life. Success in this stage leads to a feeling of wisdom, while failure leads to regret and despair. During these interviews, I learned that a lot of your psychological development is based off one’s environment. For a child to succeed in all stages it needs a solid base, for example parents that care for their child giving them a sense of security. During my interviews, I realized that all the people I interviewed Had a fantastic home life, did well in school, and had stable relationships. While going through Erickson’s stages of development one will notice that if a stage is not perfected they will have trouble with the other stages. For example, in the Trust vs. Mistrust stage if a child does not learn trust they will be affected during the other stages. Both Erickson’s and Freud’s Personality theories share many

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