
Understanding Social Psychology And How Relationships With Others Can Influence An Individual 's Thoughts And Behaviors

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When studying social psychology, it is essential for one to understand social groups, how they work, and how relationships with others can influence an individual’s thoughts and behaviors. For this reason, a full understanding of cooperation is necessary for social psychologists. Defining Cooperation Cooperation has several components, and therefore must be broken down when being defined. Most importantly, it involves multiple people in any sort of beneficial relationship; that is, the outcome is beneficial for those involved (Jordan, Rand, Arbesman, Fowler, & Christakis 2013). Cooperation also involves some sort of social dilemma, which can be described as a situation in which the advantages for an individual outweigh those for others, or vice versa. Cooperation occurs when the outcome is more beneficial to outsiders, or the majority of those involved, rather than an individual (Attari, Krantz, & Weber 2014). Finally, cooperation involves some sort of goal (Schmid, Psarros, & Schuulte-Ostermann 2008). In other words, all individuals involved have certain intentions that lead them to setting up a system that will allow that goal to be reached. Considering each of these components, one could define cooperation as the coming together of individuals in order to reach a shared goal that will be more beneficial to the group as a whole- more so than any of the individuals alone. Although no conflicting definitions were found in this research, there were conflicting antonyms

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