
Unfair Dress Codes

Decent Essays

The Female Shoulder Strikes Again
The female shoulder strikes again at the Superior High School. A poor sophomore was rushed to the nurse’s office after witnessing the uncovered shoulder of one of the females in his class. The rest of his male classmates quickly shielded their eyes from this disgusting display of shoulders. “Girls are not supposed to admit they have shoulders much less show them.” said one classmate. “It’s an appalling and despicable display” added another classmate.
The girl was rightfully ordered out of her class after the public humiliation she made of the poor boy. Many parents wrote letters and some even went as far as to threaten the school due to the interruption of the lecture. “How is my son supposed to get a good education when he is …show more content…

“She should have gotten more punishments,” said a parent who was infuriated that the girl disrupted her son's lectures.
Since then, the Superior High School has polished it’s dress code. Adding new rules forbidding girls to show their stomachs, legs and the worst of all, their necks. Even with this additions, the school is still facing controversies from parents who don’t believe the dress code is strict enough. “The girls should have to wear long sleeved turtle necked blankets to school.” said one male parent. “Our boys need to get their education without having to worry about the female body.”
The poor sophomore (whose name shall remain unsaid) is now paralyzed from this traumatizing incident. He will no longer be able to learn in a school setting and his life is forever ruined. This serves as a lesson to any girl who thinks that what she wears on her body is no one’s concern but her own. Schools all over America are advised to remove every girl wearing any article of clothing that displays any part of her body so that everyone can get the education they

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