
Unit 37

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Zainab karimu Unit 37 P4 I will be explaining active and passive artificially acquired immunity in form of a table. Immunity is the protection of the body from infections from viruses and bacteria. Acquired immunity is a type of immunity also known as the third line of defence, it is the immunity produced when the human body has been infected by an antigen which triggers the production of antibodies. There are two types of acquired immunity which are active and passive acquired immunity. Active artificially acquired immunity | Passive artificially acquired immunity | Active artificially acquired immunity is induced by a vaccine which is a substance that has antigens, the vaccine stimulates the primary response …show more content…

An example is BCG vaccine that is made from mycobacterium bovis used to care against human tuberculosis. "Vaccine". Wikipedia. N.p., 2016. Web. 8 June 2016. Primary immune response A primary response happens when an antigen is exposed, after a period of time which is normally a few days, particular antibodies start to show in the blood. Stages of primary immune system When the human body is exposed to an antigen that it has never come across before the primary immune response develops, the development stages can be broken into four. * Lag (latent) phase: This is the time when an antigen is exposed into the body and antibodies are noticed in the blood, it normally takes a few days to get to this stage and during this stage particular B and T cells are triggered with contact by the antigen. * Exponential Phase: at this stage there is a rise in the number of antibodies in the body because they are being secreted by a large number of plasma cells. * Steady state phase: the level of antibodies in the body stays fairly constant because of the continuous secretion of antibodies to replace any antibody that has been degraded. * Declining Phase: at this stage the level of antibodies slowly

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