
United States Adopt A Similar Type Of Policy Of Mandatory Conscription

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Many countries require young people to serve two years of military service, and as we continue to have military conflicts across the world, some people have proposed that the united states adopt a similar type of policy of mandatory conscription. I believe that a two-year period of national service should be obligatory for all 18 year olds. It’ll help strengthen the character of youth, and will help increase the collective conscience of a nation and the restraint of leaders when considering military action. As we have 18 year olds go into the military, they should get the option in whatever kind of public service that suits his or her interest. Different genders across the world are frequently given different responsibilities. For example, …show more content…

No. If they have never had their basic rights taken from them, they will never place as high a value on those rights, or on the sacrifice their ancestors made to give them those rights. It is a growing problem in America for people to take their rights for granted. Take people 's rights away temporarily and people start to value what they have more; and they start to value their country more. Patriotism will be on the rise”(Debate). What this user has said is quite interesting and quite honestly true. Many Millennials are also pretty lazy. According to Janell Ross, apart of the Washington post 63% of Millennials from 18-34 are lazy (Ross). With having this mandatory service it can make them less lazy with having the experience they need to pursue the job that they want to. Mandatory military service can help promote national unity. First, it will allow Millennials to learn and train together, creating a shared experience and a conversation starter of serving in the military. Then there is the general understanding of what life actually is in the army and what will have to be done in order to protect the country and yourself. Millennials will be able to understand and adapt an appreciation for the sacrifices that many people in the military make for their country. More importantly, it’ll bring everyone together as a country, especially with a threat from other nations. When the nations do

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