
United States V Julius Steinnberg And Julius Rosenberg And The Cold War

Decent Essays

In early March of 1951, the case United States v Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, and Morton Sobell argued whether the Rosenbergs planned execution should forgo or be rescinded for violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and being guilty of starting the Korean War. In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s the Cold War was ongoing, with the United States and the Soviet Union entrenched in an ongoing battle over the supremacy of the west. Paul Frazier, an author for the Magazine of History in Bloomington states, “One of the most intriguing aspects of the Cold War relationship between the Americans and the Soviets was the development of vast networks of spies and counterspies” (Frazier). The United States and the Soviet’s relationship establishes an early conflict between the two nations, further affecting future diplomatic relations. Julius Rosenberg’s sympathy towards the Soviets and anger towards the United State’s current position on the world's economic stage ultimately led to his act of traitorous espionage. Michael Browning, a writer for the Palm Beach Post newspaper states, “What united the Rosenbergs was a belief in communism, strengthened by the Depression and Russia’s fight against Hitler during World War 2”, (Browning). The United States depression and Julius’s admiration for Russia’s fight against Hitler motivated him to turn against his home nation during a time of crisis. To conclude, Cold War tensions and Julius’s appreciation for Soviet life and government illustrates

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