
Universalism: What Is Meta-Ethical Moral Relativism?

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The dominant perspective in modern, Western philosophy is moral universalism. This is not surprising considering the very definition of morality holds universal weight. The discipline of ethics, also known as moral philosophy, explores the ideal way for all humans to live. The position of moral universalism asserts that some system of ethics applies universally, regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, or any other distinguishing feature. This position is supported by utilitarianism and deontology. However, how does this explain the countless cases when one culture says a practice is ethical and another says it isn’t? It would not be fair to claim that one culture is wrong and the other is right. I argue that moral relativism is a more practical …show more content…

This is true because morals are heavily influenced by the traditions, customs, and practices within a society. However, the goal of finding ethical principles that are shared worldwide is significant because when people share common attitudes and beliefs, cooperation is easier and conflicts can be avoided. This is where moral universalism would come in handy. However, there is no extracultural standard to which we can appeal to determine whether a particular culture is right or wrong. Rightness and wrongness are social constructs. These constructs make up a framework that is referenced by the people living within it. For many, a cultural framework can provide meaning for existence. Therefore, their morals are deeply embedded in their culture. If one’s moral nature is about self-understanding, then labeling a culture’s morals as wrong could put one’s identity into question. In addition, a culture can influence ethics because it determines how people communicate, how they interact, how they relate to one another, what is appropriate behavior, and how power and statues are allocated. Culture is a significant part of ethics and vice versa. However, it is difficult to grasp the notion that two opposing moral statements can be true at the same time. It is also likely that, in our globalized world, two cultures with conflicting morals will interact at some …show more content…

I think yes. The tolerance of this is the key to coexistence. Currently, different cultures do have different moral codes. Without a tolerant attitude, these different cultures will be in perpetual conflict. In a situation such as this, it is often the case that one side will try to put an end to the ways of another through domination and dehumanization. I propose that instead of minimizing or ignoring the differences between cultures, we recognize differences and honor them as valuable. Moral relativism allows for both spatial and temporal differences. The moral code that we abide by now is not the same as it was 100 years ago, nor is it the same as the code in different cultures. Morals are influenced by both time and location. The human condition is dynamic and it is likely that the morals abided by 100 years from now will be different still. The acknowledgement of this can help to promote

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