
University Of Virginia Dismissal Essay

Decent Essays

The University of Virginia Dismissal- December 15, 1826
My time at this university has come to an end. Today will be my last day. My father refuses to assist me in paying back these debts–debts caused by his lack of generosity! I was forced to borrow money from merchants to pay for my schooling! I was left with no other choice but to gamble in order to pay it back! I had no other means to pay it back. He refuses to help me pay back this debt because I had gambled, but it was he who caused me to go such great lengths! He will not allow me to continue studying here. I will return to Richmond, what I will be doing there, I do not know.
-Edgar …show more content…

The day comes at last that me and my Sissy will be wed. We will be wed here, at our house, where we are currently residing. I will support my Sissy, I will take care of her. I will also take care of my aunt Maria. I will teach and tutor my Sissy in Mathematics and English! I will give her the schooling she needs. I will teach her to play instruments and teach her to sing! We will have the most joyous of times together!
Virginia busts a blood vessel and begins to cough up blood-January 15, 1842
My poor Virginia, oh my poor Virginia. We were having the most joyous time today. Singing and playing the piano, when she began to cough. Her beautiful voice was abruptly broken into a startling cough. She began to expectorate blood. I was aghast! I was terrified! I immediately took Virginia to the nearest doctor in order to get her checked. She had busted a blood vessel! I was filled with trepidation when I heard the diagnosis. I am fearful of the things to come. There is nothing I can do now but wait and hope my dear Virginia recovers.
-Edgar Success of the Raven-June 26, 1845
I have finally received the recognition I was so striving for! I have finally received the fame I deserve! It seems as if everyone has read my wonderful work! I have made but little from my work, but I am closer–no doubt–from

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