
Essay on Unraveling the Mystery of William Shakespeare

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Consequences. They come in shapes of dark evil and unimaginable good. However with each consequence, in turn a “rebirth”. A new perspective. A new insight. The creation of a profound poet and playwright, William Shakespeare, was one of the many marvelous consequences of the Renaissance. In fact his outstanding work was the direct result of the Renaissance. In order to understand how Shakespeare came to be, there is first a need to understand exactly what the Renaissance was. The original Italian word, ‘Rinascimento’, means ‘rebirth’ (Jonah Wilberg). This refers of course to the rebirth of learning. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spread all over Europe and was considered the division between the Middle Ages and the Modern …show more content…

(Jordan M. Ahn). These thinkers were also known as “humanists”. They believed that rather than being subject to God, man should be subject to study. Investigations in writings of ancient Greece and Rome, astronomy, anatomy, science, and much more began to blossom from the depths of the human psyche (Fabio Castellan). Feelings and emotions were key to illustrating humanism and in turn became the heart of modern literature.
“Shakespeare himself indicated little interest in or support of religious supernaturalism. The absence of religion in Shakespeare, England’s greatest poet, chose to leave his heroes and himself in the presence of life and death with no more philosophy than that which the profane world can suggest and understand, namely a species of Humanism.” (George Santaya) This quote emphasizes how Humanist views helped to establish Shakespeare’s literature.
Without doubt William Shakespeare harnessed this new emotional realism in human nature and incorporated it in a way that set him apart from other artists of the 16th century. No one matched him in terms of variety, profundity, and exquisite use of language (Note: come back and site!!). Since he became active during the late 16th, early 17th century, which is the time the English Renaissance was at its peak, it is not surprising that some of the most important aspects of his work can be seen as characteristics of the Renaissance era (Jonah

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