
Unrealistic Dreamer In The Great Gatsby

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Fitzgerald argues that it is better to be the detached observer because observers are able to mature by being in tune with their environments, unlike the impassioned dreamers, who remain too caught up in fantasy to grow and change. Nick, the narrator, is a prime example of an observer who matures throughout the novel and he is slowly juxtaposed with Gatsby, who remains an unrealistic dreamer.
In the beginning of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway has just gotten home to the Midwest from the war. He “enjoyed the counter-raid so thoroughly that [he] came back restless. Instead of being the warm center of the world the middle-west now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe—so [he] decided to go east and learn the bond business.” (3). Nick had dreams of going east to chase away his restlessness by following his fantasies of wealth and success. The prestige and elite status of New York beckoned him to dive head first into his fantastic plans. At this point, Nick is just like Gatsby. Jay Gatsby, formerly James Gatz, is the son of poor farmers in North Dakota. Gatsby hoped to find success and wealth so strongly that “his heart was in a constant, turbulent riot” (99) and “a universe of ineffable gaudiness spun itself out of his brain…” (99). Gatsby’s imagination has created an entirely new world that may not even exist or be attainable, but his naive dreams of fortune push him to keep going. He thinks that in order for his life to be fulfilling, he needs to

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