
Urban Ag Day: Community Analysis

Decent Essays

So far in the year of 2017 there have been 62.2 million volunteers, together they have served a total of 7.8 billion hours worth of community service. Whenever a day came up where we would volunteer for school I would always hear about people skipping that day. I never understood why they wanted to skip. I have always enjoyed taking time to help others whether it was just helping them clean or going to an organization to help pack food. It was always better to do something than do nothing.

35-44 year olds are more likely to volunteer than any other age group.

How do people not feel the same as me? If they needed help would they want others to come? I watched as the sign up sheet was passed from student to student with no one signing up. …show more content…

One volunteering experience I am most thankful for is “Urban Ag Day”. This event takes place at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in Falcon Heights. Third graders from all over the Twin Cities come and learn where their food comes from. They see animals like sheep, cows, and pigs for the first time in their lives. We spend the day taking kids from station to station where they can learn about things like seeds and how they grow, to where honey comes from and how the bees make it. We then provide lunch that has all fresh farm ingredients. What impacted me the most from this experience was seeing a 50 year old women eat a hamburger for the first time. She was astonished by how it tasted and she talked about how she had always wondering what it was …show more content…

This stands for Be Gracious, Be Respectful, Be Efficient, Be Accountable, and Be Trustworthy. Learning this acronym was a blessing, It taught me so much about building character both in and out of school. It was about becoming a better person and doing things that helped not only our community but others as well.

Since the year 2011 there has a been an ongoing decrease in volunteers throughout the United States. The United States is also at the lowest volunteer rate that it has ever been.

It’s been proven that teenagers (ages 13-20 years old) actually benefit from doing community service. The service benefits them personally, when applying to jobs and more importantly college. I did notice that having multiple accounts of community service did in fact help me when it came to applications. It has shown that I have developed a sense of responsibility and social connections throughout my community. By volunteering it has also helped me condense my search for a career, by showing me what they do day to day.

Only four hours away is the number one city in volunteering.That city is

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