
Usain Bolt: A Brief Biography

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As he steps into the starting block, a drop of sweat splashes down upon the track. Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly become quiet in anticipation. Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter who is known as the fastest man in the world, is about to start the 100 metre dash and takes his starting position. The coach raises his hand, holding a starting gun to the air. Time slows for the sprinter, and all he can hear is his heart beat. Right before the starting gun fires, a massive flashback of his life comes to him…
His childhood comes back to him first, and hit him like a wave of water. Usain St. Leo Bolt was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica on August 21, 1986. His mother, Jennifer Bolt and his father, Wellesly Bolt, took him back to their house to his two siblings, Sodiki Bolt and Sherine Bolt. A few years has past and he had …show more content…

He flinched as they came back to him. First, the memory of him contributing 50,000 US Dollars to victims of the Siachen Earthquake in 2008. Next, the memory of him donating 1.3 million dollars to his old high school, William Knibb Memorial High School. What he remembered the most about the donation was not the good deed he was committing, but the looks on the children's faces as they cried and gasped in awe, and the thanks the principle gave him as they shook hands.
The flashback ended, and Usain Bolt re-entered reality right as the starting pistol went off. BANG, the gun went, and the runners bolted towards the finish line. Yard by yard, metre by metre, the sprinters got closer and closer to the finish line, but they could barely catch up to Usain. Usain St. Leo Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter who is also known as the fastest man in the world, is about to win the 2016 Rio Grande Summer Olympics. As he drew closer to the finish line, he raised up his arms, closed his eyes and screamed of joy a few seconds before he crossed the finish

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