
Use Of Mood In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a very good book that displays somewhat of a moral. This book can create many feelings inside someone as they read the story. In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson uses imagery, diction, and details to create a mysterious mood. Stevenson used imagery to create this mood. There is a spot where Stevenson says, “black winter morning,” I think this begins to help display the mood (49). This quote makes me feel very solemn which helps set the tone for the situation. “Broken and battered as it was,” is another quote that helps create a mysterious mood (70). This quote might make you think more about the situation. Another spot that might set the tone for the situation is “Street after street, and all the folks asleep” (49). This quote helps you picture the setting of this situation. Stevenson conveyed a mysterious mood by using imagery and much more. …show more content…

During the chapter where Hyde kills Sir Danvers, we find the quote, “brandishing the cane” (69). The word choice in this quote has a stronger meaning than some other words. Some words with a lot of meaning are used in the quote “led wholly towards the mystic and transcendental” (111). The meanings of the words in this quote help set the mood because they have a strong meaning. Stevenson helps create the mood by using the quote, “The door… was blistered and distained” (49). The words used in this quote are very descriptive, which helps you create an image in your head. Diction is obviously a big part in how Stevenson displays the mood in the

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