
Using Security Measures For Dns

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1. Introduction Over the years, the Domain Name System (DNS) has evolved as the most important network service which connects networking resources to a private network and the internet. But along with the rise in the importance of DNS, it has also become a vulnerable link in the internet security as it is the internet’s primary directory service used for properly traversing through the present networking infrastructure. Even though DNS is the core fabric of the today’s network, there is no standard security framework available for DNS. Every security professional knows that the network security measures depends upon the following three important factors [1]: • Confidentiality: It is a set of rules used for limiting the access and …show more content…

The latest threats to DNS will be discussed here and counter measures will be suggested. It will provide a theoretical as well as practical understanding of DNS exploitation and security. 2. Project Overview 2.1 DNS Query There are various types DNS queries made by the client. The most common is the mapping of Fully Qualified domain name (FQDN) to the IP address of the FQDN. A resolver and a name server play the important role in making queries and finding the results for queries. Sometimes, we have either only a resolver or a resolver and a name serer working together in a computer depending upon the system we are using. There are many such combinations but the core logic remains the same and it is as follows [2]: 1. When a command is inserted by the user, the hostname will be needed to be translated to the IP address so that the user will be able to access the resources at the destination site. 2. The particular application program will call the resolver which is actually a set of library functions. (To be more specific, the application will call “gethostbyname” or “gethostbyaddr” through API or library routines to formulate a query for the name server.) 3. If it is a caching resolver, it will look for the result within its cache. If the result cannot be found or if it is a stub resolver, the resolver transfers the request to the local name server. 4. If it is not in

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