
Using Three Habituation Technique For Evaluate A Piagetian Hypothesis From Piaget 's Theory Of Cognitive Development

Better Essays

Tarek Algabyali
Psychology 102
Instructor: Bob Melera
TA: Kseiina G.

Using three Habituation Technique to Evaluate a Piagetian Hypothesis

The purpose of this paper is to use the habituation technique in young infants to evaluate one hypothesis derived from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. I will compare 5-months olds in a task that involves possible and impossible outcomes. Piaget’s theory specifies the cognitive competencies of children of this age. 1a. During the first few months of life to the age of two, children are developing senses and motor movements that allow them to experience the world. The more the child interacts with any aspect of their environment, the more the child gains an emotional understanding of the world. 1b. Object permanence is a skill that a child developed over time that allows the child to realize that an object or a living thing still exists even while unseen or unheard. Piaget explains the absence of object permanence by talking about the six substages of the development of object permanence. Through the six substages, Piaget talks about how an infant’s initial thought to look for a hidden toy would be the last place the toy was seen. In this case, the child has not yet fully developed object permanence. Object permanence begins to emerge at the age of two for an average child. It emerges because over the past 24 months or so, children develop their sensorimotor stage over trial and error. 1c. Stranger anxiety is when a child

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