
Using Trigonometric Methods Of The A Force Table

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The purpose of this experiment is determine the resultant of several concurrent coplanar forces though the use of graphical addition, rectangular components by graphical and trigonometric methods, and the use of the a force table. The magnitude through trigonometric methods was 1212.4 newtons,and the the magnitude through graphical addition was 1184 newtons. Due to time constraints, we were not able to use the force table.

Discussion In part A, the weight of each force is found by multiplying the mass(g) of each force by gravity(10.0 m/s^2). The weight of force one is calculated using the mass, 55.0 grams, by gravity to give a weight of 550 Newtons. A potential source of error in this step of the experiment may come from rounding the acceleration due to gravity from 9.8 m/s^2 to 10.0 m/s^2. This will leading to slightly higher values of weight for each of the forces. Using trigonometric methods to calculate the resultant is the focus of part B. After a sketch of the problem is drawn, we calculated the X- and Y-components of each vector using Eq. (1): F(x)=FCos훉. The X-component of each force is 275N, -375 N, and -350N, respectively. The Y-component of each force is 475N, 650N, and 0N. The negative sign indicates that the vector was drawn either to the left of the y-axis, or below the x-axis. We than added the all the X-components together and all the Y-components together. The X-component of the resultant is -450 newtons and the Y-component 1126 newtons. Next,

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