1. Objective:
The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the bending of a bean when loaded at the center of its length and examine its deflection when positioned in two different ways, when the flat side of the beam is support and when the thin side is supported. In addition, try to find linear relationship between the load applied and the deflection of the beam and comparing the experimental deflection with the theoretical deflection.
If the load is applied at the mid- length a=b=L/2 then mid span deflection is: δ = PL3/(48EI).
Where P is the applied force, L is the length of beam, E is the modulus of elasticity of aluminum, and I is the moment of Inertia.
For a beam of rectangular cross section, say of width w and
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The beam was loaded the mid-length in 2.745 lbs. increments up to 6.745 lbs. The change in clearance of every load step was measured and data was recorded.
Case II: The beam was turned around in such way that the shortest side of the cross section is on the support. The steps described in Case I was repeated and data was recorded.
4. Results:
Following tables and graphs show the result of the experiment. The tables will demonstrate the experimental and theoretical deflection for each case. The graphs will show the relationship between the load applied and deflection, in addition to compare the experimental deflection and theoretical deflection.
Case I: Dimensions of the beam
Length (L)= 29.35 in., Width (w)= 1.008 in., Thickness (t)= 0.125 in.
Inertia (I)= wt3/12 = 0.000164063 in4.
TABLE I P (lbs.) | Initial Clearance (in) | New Clearance (in) | Experimental Deflection (in) | Theoretical Deflection (in) | 2.745 | 0.75 | 0.98 | 0.23 | 0.31092 | 3.745 | 0.75 | 1.13 | 0.38 | 0.47587 | 4.745 | 0.75 | 1.2 | 0.45 | 0.63011 | 5.745 | 0.75 | 1.31 | 0.56 | 0.79903 | 6.745 | 0.75 | 1.44 | 0.69 | 0.99236 |
Case II: Dimensions of the beam
Length (L)= 35.5 in., Width (w)= 1.008 in., Thickness (t)= 0.125 in.
Inertia (I)= w3t/12 = 0.010668672 in4.
TABLE II P (lbs.) | Initial Clearance (in) | New Clearance (in) | Experimental Deflection (in) | Theoretical Deflection | 2.745 | 1.973 | 2.051 | 0.086
The goal of the beam project is to design and construct a beam that can hold a given amount of weight without breaking. The beam is required to hold a concentrated load of 375 lbf on the X-axis and 150 lbf on the Y-axis. The maximum allowable weight of the beam is 250 grams. The maximum allowable deflection for the beam is 0.230 in. and 0.200 in. for the X and Y-axis respectively. The beam is required to be 24 in. in length, and it will be tested on a simply supported configuration spanning 21 in. All calculations are to be done under the assumption that the density of basswood is 28 lbm/ft3 and the modulus of elasticity for basswood is 1.46x106 lbm/in2. Given the constraints of a spending cost of $10.50, a maximum beam weight of 250 grams,
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This marks the path of the undiverted beam. Next, extend a line from point a (on the wall) through point f (on the table). To do this, stretch a string from point a so that it passes over point f. Mark the point where the string crosses the line between d and e. This is point c. Measure the distance between points a and b, and record it in your lab notebook.
where r_1 is the radius from left side of the beam and r_2 is the radius from the right side.
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