
Utilitarianism : An Ethical Theory Essay

Decent Essays


Utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and persuasive approaches to normative ethics in the history of philosophy. Even though It was not fully articulated until the 19th century, proto-Utilitarian positions can be recognized and discerned throughout the history of ethical theory. (Driver, Julia. “The History of Utilitarianism.” Stanford University. Stanford University, 2009. Web. 01 Oct. 2016). Utilitarianism is an Ethical Theory that was a result of combining aspects of Consequentialism and Hedonism. With these theories in mind, the best consequence is the one that maximizes on happiness and minimizes the pain. Consequentialism states that: “No matter what act was performed to produce some result, if the result is good than so is the act.” By the same token, if the result is bad, then whatever act caused it is also bad. (As we discussed these in class.) According to our PowerPoint in class, Hedonism claims that: “The only thing that has real value is pleasure or happiness. Pain is what has disvalue.” Julia Driver puts it into layman’s terms for us when she says, “Utilitarianism can also be distinguished by impartiality and agent-neutrality. Everyone’s happiness counts the same. When one maximizes the good, it is the good impartially considered. My good counts for no more than anyone else’s good. Further, the reason I have to promote the overall good is the same reason anyone else has to promote the good,” (Driver, Julia. “The History of

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