
Utilitarianism Essay

Decent Essays

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the greatest good of the greatest number. It takes the view that an action is right if it is likely to produce the best consequences compared to all the other possible actions. The best consequences are those which involve the maximization of what is good and the minimization of what is bad. The worst consequences are which involve the maximization of what is bad and the minimization of what is good. The basic premise is the idea that the greatest good comes from creating happiness for the greatest number of people. Pleasure and freedom of pain are the only things desirable as ends. In Utilitarianism it is the greatest …show more content…

Along with these problems, there are many arguments for and against Utilitarianism and whether it provides an adequate basis for making moral decisions.

An argument against Utilitarianism is that there is no agreement about what is the 'good' that is to be maximized for all concerned in different situations. Who decides what is good for whom? And whose interests are primary in these decisions? Furthermore does someone have authority over anyone else in making these decisions?

Also, a Utilitarian would not judge the rightness or wrongness of the actions but rather in the consequences or what has resulted from the actions. This means they take the view that it is okay, and therefore right, to carry out an action which is wrong in itself as long as it has good consequences for the majority of people. An example of how this could be wrong is; in a society with a lot of rape and no rapists being convicted, the general public may be threatened and unhappy with the thought of a rapist being at large. Therefore, if a police detective was a Utilitarian, and under pressure to find the attacker, then he would feel it was right to convict an innocent man just to make the greater number of people feel safer and therefore happier. This also means a Utilitarian could not differentiate between an accidental death and a

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