
Utopia Vs Dystopian Society

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World of Perfection Utopian societies are an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. This shows the reader fictional equality between all a life that has progressed past the errors of humanity. Utopias in literature are what inspire people to do something greater, but to a certain extent because they also create fear of no creativity whatsoever. Making people curious of what the future holds for the world. The word utopia is interpreted in multiple ways, but they tend to all end with one thing, peace between all of humanity. An example of an utopian idea such as "Paying it Forward" creates an idea of change where everyone would help three different people with something big and then they would continue the cycle. …show more content…

The Matrix is about how every human is actually just used for energy to supply a greater being, and that the world they know is actually a mirage. Neo is given to options take a pill but isn't told what they do. He woke up and realized that his world wasn't the real world and that the matrix is something he could hardly understand. The world he awoke in was filled with evil and darkness, only few survived and the rest were all in capsulated dreaming or as far as they believed living their so called lives. Wall-E is a Disney movie about a robot that is sent to clean up trash on the earth but he's all alone. The world is in complete ruin from pollution, so all humans now live on a utopian like ship doing whatever they please bring taken care of by other robots. Robots do everything and to make sure hey keep a purpose in life they are willing to to do whatever is necessary to make sure no one will go back to earth. Wall-E found a plant, Eve found Wall-E which he then fell in love with her followed her and gave her his plant, and when she shut down the robots on ship tried to get rid of not only the plant but Eve and Wall-E just because they found it and caused a lot of trouble for them. There's hints of utopian and dystopian societies but it's also a children's movie so many people overlook that. Planet of the Apes definitely a dystopian society, all types of Apes attempt to conquer the ruined world and kill all humans that

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