
Vaccinations Of Babies And Children

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Vaccinations of Babies and Children

In today’s society they’re thousands of children that are not being vaccinated because of the unconcerning knowledge of the parents not knowing the side effects: long-term or short-term. A side effect is an harmful or unpleasant effect of a drug or a medical treatment. Babies and children are more than likely to experience an unpleasant effect due to their very weak immune system.Babies and children are not like the adults and the elders. When infants are born their immune system in not fully developed but the doctors vaccinate them to help fight the germs. Children are vaccinated for the same reason because it helps them fight bacteria and bad viruses. Babies and children should be vaccinated …show more content…

In result, they created the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). Congress passed this act in 1986. Under this act health care providers who distributed vaccines would provide a Vaccine Information statement (VIS). which requires health care provides the need to report adverse events.The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created for no fault to people who was injured by a vaccination. This established a committee the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Before the FDA licensed vaccinations they were conducted in a lab and there were human subject to make sure it was safe for human use. The licensed process takes up to 10 or more years. First the vaccination go threw the computer system then it is tested on rabbits, guinea pigs, and other mammals. After the vaccine is complete, the FDA would approve the clinical studies on human subjects. In 1996 there was an act passed named The Health Insurance portability and Accountability Act also called HIPAA. This act is a national platform which is a consumer privacy protection. (History 1)

Vaccinations are used for many different reasons. The main reason is for safety the child and his or her surrounding peers. By not vaccinating a child can put others who come in contact with the child in danger of contracting the virus or diseases. The virus can spread by contact, sharing toys that have been touched, and or put in their mouth. Exposing other children that have not been vaccinated yet can

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