
Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory Out Of Vaccinating Children

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When it comes to certain topics there is always going to be controversy surrounding them; this is the case with the topic of whether or not children should be vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) they recommend that children get vaccinated against up to 14 diseases within their first two years of life, and receiving booster shots as they get older. This idea leads to numerous debates on why children should be vaccinated or why parents should be able to opt out of vaccinating their children due to developmental concerns or religious beliefs. In my opinion, however, regardless of religious beliefs, vaccinations should be mandatory—unless there is a medical reason not to—because not only do vaccinations protect children from various diseases and can save their lives, but they also protect others around them and future generations. In April, California’s State Legislature moved forward a bill that would make it mandatory for children enrolled in public schools to be vaccinated, regardless of religious or personal beliefs. If the parents still do not want to vaccinate their children than they must homeschool them. In return, this sparked a huge debate on whether or not the bill should be passed. Just like almost anything there are pros and cons for parents vaccinating their child(ren). Some of the pros being: vaccines can save children’s lives; they protect the communities that children live in;

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