
Vaccine Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Vaccinations, to most people, are an inherent part of life; everyone one gets them and are usually needed to participate in public institutions such as universities. Beneath the mast majority, though, lies a group of people who have begun to speak out against vaccinations due to the belief that they are a leading cause in autism. This group of anti-vaxxer’s as they are referred to, could not have come at a worse time for the scientific community. As world population grows one of the biggest threats to the stability of the human society is disease and it is increasing every day. Viruses adapt and spread quickly, allowing very little time for them to be addressed once the threat is already occurring. On January 18th, 2017 the Coalition for Epidemic …show more content…

Doctors see the importance of vaccines on a local scale, as they protect children and communities, but researchers and scientists see the importance of vaccines on a global scale. Over the years, the world has seen many close calls with viruses such as Ebola, Swine Flu, and Zika, each proving to be slightly more difficult to address yet preparation has not changed to accommodate for the adapting viruses. Researchers and scientists are educated to be a step ahead of viruses that threaten society and the implementation of the CEPI would allow science the means to commence the process of eradicating viruses. Already the CEPI has funding to research three high profile viruses however the more money the CEPI can allocate, the bigger its targets can become. Researchers hope to eventually take on viruses such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, three of the most widespread and adaptive viruses in the world today. With most viruses much easier to address when compared to the abilities of HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, researchers hope funding comes quickly. Sciences ability to protect the world from pandemics depends wholly on the success of the CEPI, nowhere else is there funding dedicated solely to the research of viruses and their possible vaccinations. For researchers and scientists, the success of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparation Innovations is crucial for the future of a world threatened by adaptive viruses that currently have no

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