
Value Of Respect Research Paper

Decent Essays

I believe that respect is the most important value to have in a happy life. Now respect has many different aspects to it; probably more than any one person can think of. So, I don’t claim to cover them all. Of the ones I could think are four big ones: authority, the environment, and each other’s diversities. Yes, you can count (no matter how bad at math you may claim to be), that was only three. The fourth is the most important, but I’m going to keep it a secret until you learn what I mean about the other three; just keep it in the back of your mind until then. Let’s start with the first you probably faced in life, authority. From the second you are born, being passed around from family member to family member, to the first teacher you had, and then to your current boss, you may have realized you aren’t always the one in control. Well, that’s okay. Without their wisdom or experience you wouldn’t be where you are today in life. Now I’m not saying you have to love or understand the seemingly evil Mrs. Ooze you had in 2nd grade, with her biweekly spelling tests (no bonus point words) and aroma of old lady (not the grandma type, the …show more content…

What I mean is respect the environment of the place you are at. For example, if you are at a swimming pool, don’t pee in it, there is literally a bathroom 20 feet away. Or if you are at a national park and see a rock where everyone has been engraving their initials into it, don’t do it, S.T.U. and P.I.D. are probably not even in love anymore. In the most common interpretation, our planet is being hurt by our actions and there are little ways to keep it healthier, such as riding a bike a mile instead of driving to you the park or waiting until you are at a trashcan to throw that McDonald’s cup away. No matter your belief about how we got here, we have to acknowledge that this earth is a gift and we should treat it as such. Now, my third point, respect other’s

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