
Van Inwagen's Arguments Of Determinism And Free Will

Satisfactory Essays

The following paper was made with the purpose of presenting an objection to Van Inwagen’s argument which states that free will and determinism are incompatible. First let’s start by giving Van Inwagen’s point of view about determinism and free will. Inwagen says that “free will requires the ability to act otherwise than we do". Determinism on the other hand says that "for every instant of time, there is a proposition that expresses the state of the world at that instant". As a result our actions and decisions are already determined. In order to raise an objection let us be clear on the meaning of determinism and free will. Determinism it’s a philosophical idea, which states that every action that we made is inevitable and it’s has been already …show more content…

However, human actions are also based on reasoning. If we were to think about this from the point of view of psychology, which is also a science based on the study of the mind and human behavior. Scientist might be able to predict what our brain is going to do, but they would not able to see or predict our mind, which can influence people’s decisions and actions. Determinists say that free will is just an illusion, since scientists have made different experiments that prove that human behavior can be predictable. Determinist believe that the lack of information is what makes us think that we have options, when people actually obey the law of …show more content…

I agree with the idea that determinism exists and that every action has its own cause and effect. As a result all our actions are determine, however we should acknowledge that there are two types of causes; internal causes and external causes. By doing so, I’m expressing that internal causes are actions that are caused by the inner desire or will, like I chose the ice cream over the grapes, because that’s what I desire. On the other hand external causes are actions that are forced or caused by something external, like teachers telling kids what to do, or the police arresting someone. Therefore when I say that I acted on free will I acted with internal causes. For example let’s say that I am in a building and the fire alarm goes off, as a result I have to evacuate the building, as I am getting out of the building I encounter two doors, labeled A and B . Hence, I have the option to choose between one of the two doors, and that is a free action. I choose door A rather than door B. But let’s suppose door B is locked, and that actually I tried door B. Then in fact I had to go through door A anyway. This example shows how in a sense I had no choice but to go through door A. Not only that, but it also shows how an external causes contributed to my decision. I could not do otherwise. But if we consider the fact that I chose door A remaining unaware that door B was

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