
Vascular Lymphatic System And Atherosclerosis

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Vascular Lymphatic System/Atherosclerosis
Jazmin Fontan
Bryant & Stratton College
AHLT120: Anatomy and Physiology-1
Dr. Pamela K. Hannaman, MS, ND, CPC, CMRS, CCMA
November 18, 2015

Narrowing and hardening of the artery walls causing buildup of fatty tissues (plaque), cholesterol and other substances, which may restrict blood flow is referred to as atherosclerosis. Having restriction of blood flow develops damage to a patients’ organs and also increases the risk of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes overtime (WebMD, 2015). It is said to be the most common form of arteriosclerosis that forms small patches and arterial spasms. The plaque also known as atheroma, builds up and may cause the blood clots to burst. Atherosclerosis is considered to be a heart condition, but may also affect arteries in any part of the body and could be prevented and treated (Mayo Clinic, 2015). The arteries in the body are blood vessels that transport blood from the heart and through the body. Endothelium, which is a thin layer of cells that lines the arteries to help keep the inside of the arteries smooth and toned allowing normal blood flow. The disruption that leads to atherosclerosis begins when an individual smokes, and has either high blood pressure or high cholesterol; in which begins to form atheroma. When the endothelium is damaged it causes it to become invasive allowing bad cholesterol or LDL to enter the artery walls. In return, causing the white blood

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