
Veterans And The Veterans Of The United States

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Veterans are very honorable people in the United States. They have served and risked their lives to help defend our country and this makes them heroes in many people’s eyes. Despite efforts to create a pleasant life after the military, some veterans still struggle. Many veterans come back from their time overseas to start a family, have kids and find a new job. However, some are not that fortunate and lack the support network to be successful and therefore live in poverty. Veterans, male and female, are unfortunately one of the vulnerable populations in today’s society and there is a sizeable population of homeless veterans who are the most vulnerable of the veterans. Many of these individuals have tried to seek help and medical …show more content…

There also may be a lack of training opportunities for veterans who have been out of the workforce for a while (Applewhite, 1997, p. 23). All of these obstacles are playing a factor in why veterans become homeless.
Demographics of the homeless veterans
Approximately 12% or 49,933 of the adult homeless population are veterans in the United States (Olenick, Flowers, & Diaz, 2015, p. 637). The average age for homeless veterans is 49 years old compared to 30 years old for non-veterans (Ritter, 2014, p. 19). The homeless veterans are very similar to the homeless non-veteran population. They tend to struggle with the same difficulties like mental illness, substance abuse and unemployment (Olenick, Flowers, & Diaz, 2015, p. 637). According to the book Homeless Veterans and Health: A Resource Guide for Providers, research shows that military service is not the major cause of the homelessness among veterans, it has more to do with their social support, income, lack of affordable housing, addictions, physical and mental health and social isolation when they get back from serving overseas (McMurray-Avila, 2001, p. 1). Unemployment is common among veterans because military skills do not always transfer to civilian work, making it tougher to find a job and possibly keep a job (Olenick, Flowers, & Diaz, 2015, p. 636-637).
As seen in Appendix A, in Michigan alone, 5, 627 veterans are a part of the homeless population, compared to the total 77,557 total

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