
Victorian London

Decent Essays

The diagram is a depiction of loading a skipper, a small boat designed to deposit and withdraw cargo from a large ship able to traverse large sea, whilst navy officers, distinguished by their blue coats, are recording the results. I picked this diagram to use and relate to commerce, because the strength in London trading lied in several aspects that are represented in the presentation. This has clear implications and can be used to give analysis on commerce in Victorian London. In order to demonstrate this, I would like to focus on three specific objects, and how each of them relate to commerce, within the diagram: the containers that are being loaded, the sigil in the middle of the picture, and the officers in the picture. The barrels that are being used contain various items judging from the different types of containers. The explanation of the diagram does not go into detail about what is in these containers, but notes that they come …show more content…

This is the sigil that represents the City of London, which is the inner and distinct city, similar to the relationship of Vatican City and Rome. There are two important things about this fact: the first being that the City of London is the epicenter for international trade and commerce and the relationship between commerce and the picture indicates that the cargo is inspected there. The City of London is the area in London where commerce and trade were negotiated; this is in part due to its own tax system that tries to incentivize working their; the museum included the detailed sigil then to demonstrate the importance of commerce on the City of London. Another reason this sigil is included is because, until the 19th century, The Port of London handled all shipping. The creators of the diagram, then, wanted the museum goer to recognize the importance of commerce upon the City of London by including this

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