
Video Game Violence Statistics

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A large number of studies have taken place over the years in attempt to link horrific events such as school shootings and such. What people hear about is that all of the investigations and research shows that violent crime involving teens has gone down nearly fifty-percent from 1996 to 2005. As this drop in violence has occurred, video game sales in 1996 hit a high of about 15 million units, increasing to a massive 45 million units in 2005 (Ferguson 33). A good number of articles have been published in order to not only show more non-biased statistics about video game violence, but going on to show how past research attempts on the same topic has been funded by groups who are merely looking for specific results to favor their claims against video games, moreover just media violence as a whole. …show more content…

J. Ferguson, entitled, “The School Shooting/Violent Video Game Link: Casual Relationship or Moral Panic”, Mr. Ferguson goes in detail explaining how there isn’t actual link between video game violence and actual violent crimes involving teens; he even displays statistics involving how youth violence has actually dropped at steep anti-correlation with the number of video games sold using his “moral panic wheel” and also “Youth violence and video game sales data” (Ferguson 30,33). This shows the more video games that has been sold statistically, the less violent crimes people have actually seen. Statistics like this would present that not only does violent video games does not increase the level of teen violence; it actually helps in the overall prevention of it by providing teens with a healthy outlet to release their pent up aggression in an ever growing stressful world. It would seem that there is not any proven negative links between video game violence and acts of violence in our youth. On the other hand, there is the possibility that it may actually decrease violence in general, but has also yet to be proven

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