
Video Games : A Great Source Of Fun For All Ages

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Violent video games are always a great source of fun for all ages. Ever since i could remember i have loved violent video games just as much as any other 18 year old would. My favorite video game to play is GTA or grand theft auto. Its a great 1player game where you can basically do whatever you want and get away with it. It has been around since the late 90s and there has been 6 games created and there all rated M for mature players only .When i was younger I was always aloud to play to violent video games but my parents would make me play the game with the volume off. I used to think this was stupid i would still play the game with volume up and reenact everything i seen. Now that I 'm older i see what my parents was trying to keep me away from,all the violence in video games. I would get angry and break anything in my path, and i could cost my parents a lot of money on new remote. In 2005 an law was passed stating that reuquired violent video games to include a 18 on the label and made it illegal to sell these kind of games to minors. In my experience with video games i agree they can cause a lot of anger and emotion but never caused me to completely go off the deep end.

With all the exposure to the media kids today have access to many devices such as cell phones, iPads , iPods and so on. Video games however are much different form all of those Children are more liable to imitate the actions of a character with whom they identify. In truculent video games, players

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