
Vincent Van Gogh Research Paper

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To many Van Gogh is a household name, and an iconic tortured artist. Van Gough’s commitment to the spirituality with in man and nature led to his unique style and content that led to dramatic and emotional canvases, canvases that convey much more than just a subject. The son of Theodorus Van Gogh a protestant pastor, and Ana Cornelia Carbentus, Vincent Willem Van Gogh was born into this world on March 30,1853. Vincent was the first of five children and was born in Groot Zundert, a modest town in Dutch Brabant. Exactly one year prior to his birth Ana his mother had given birth to a stillborn child tragically named Vincent also. According to the book Van Gogh It states that Vincent grew up “burdened by a fatal sense of guilt, as if he felt that his life had only been possible because of the sacrifice of another existence.” It has been said that Vincent was a lonely child who spent most of his time roaming the fields of the countryside. …show more content…

Vincent took the already brilliant colors known for this movement and intensified them. He used complementary colors to add contrast; you can see the blue of the street in the distance enhances this in the “sulphur yellow” of the terrace. Another aspect of the painting that was popular for the post-impressionist movement is the impasto or thickly applied paint on the canvas. An artist similar to Van Gogh was Paul Gauguin, one of Van Gogh’s many inspirations and dear

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