
Violence In America Research Paper

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Guns fire back at America
Chicago, home to many, has the highest rate of criminal activity. According to the Chicago Tribune, the number of people shot in Chicago so far this year is at least 2,300. Those against gun control would approach these violent situations by declaring society as a whole cannot prevent all acts of violence. Comparatively, with stricter laws society can decrease the amount of innocent bystanders being wounded or fatally injured by firearms. For instance, imagine being a parent and hearing the devastating news that your child has been shot by another individual. Well, on December 14th, the parents of elementary students at Sandy Hook faced just that. Anxious but patiently, parents stood with an ounce of hope that they …show more content…

He expressed how background checks online and instore can help those who have mental illnesses, or criminal records from gaining access to firearms. On January 5th, he delivered a heartfelt speech. Obama began his speech by discussing the tragic event of Gabby Giffords. The event occurred in Tucson, Arizona where a member of congress [Gabby Giffords] and eighteen others were shot. Luckily, Gabby survived but more than 30,000 Americans have their lives cut short by guns per year. Obama spoke about the U.S compared to other countries, when comparing he make it clear that the United States have a problem with violence. As a society we have learned that it is common. “The United States of America is not the only country on Earth with violent or dangerous people. We are not inherently more prone to violence. But we are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency. It doesn't happen in other advanced countries. It’s not even close. And as I’ve said before, somehow we’ve become numb to it and we start thinking that this is normal.” (Obama) During the speech the audience remained silent, and a feeling of sadness swept the place. Obama plans to have a conference in Virginia to “bring good people on both sides” to discuss the bigger issue at hand. His goal is not to take away guns all together, but instead to increase gun control to prevent the next mass shooting. The loop where criminals can buy and gain access to guns is unbelievable. Online, many violent criminals with a long record buy firearms without a background check. For the future, Obama says those who wish to sell firearms must have a license, and enforce background checks wether it is online or

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