
Violence In Porphyria's Lover And Armitage It Could Be Me

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Violence has been around since the beginning of human kind, although the way that it is viewed and portrayed has changed since then. This becomes obvious when history is considered because humans evolve and technology advances, so does the way that we view things and technology, alone, has changed so much since the 1800s. However, there is a common theme between the poems surrounding violence that we have studied in this class. It is the silence of those who are an integral part of the violence. The way that this silence is portrayed differently as the works progress from modern to post-modern, starting with two of Robert Browning’s poems, followed by a work by Wilfred Owen and ending with Simon’s Armitage It Could Be You. These works span …show more content…

His poem, Porphyria’s Lover, has an unexpected twist near the end when the sullen speaker strangles his female companion, Porphyria, with her own hair. While the poem does give Porphyria a voice, it is used to call out to her would-be murderer in an attempt at connection. She does not realize that he hears her attempt, but then takes it a step further to make a claim for her worship. He wants her supposed worship to be neverending and poses her in death the way he wanted her to remain in life, surrounding him and comforting him. It is her silence that is key here for throughout the lines that convey her murder, she is never given a sound. Realistically, as she is strangled to death, she would have made some type of noise, but it is stricken from the poem. This is important because, even while the speaker is killing her, he cares so little for her that he does not allow her assumed cries to enter his ears. He wants to believe that she felt no pain, which can be seen on lines 41 and 42 when he says “… No pain felt she; /I am quite sure she felt no pain” (Browning). This repetition makes it seem that the speaker is trying to convince himself that he has not done anything wrong in killing this woman because now she is better off and he will forever be basked in Porphyria’s

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