
Violence In Romeo And Juliet

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When many people think of Romeo and Juliet, they almost immediately associate it with one of the greatest love stories of all times. What people do not associate it with is violence. The truth is that violence is the greatest factor that moves the story along. The very first scene of the play opens with a sword duel between servants of the Montagues and Capulets. The friction continues throughout the story, and by the end of the story, five people who were healthy and youthful end up dead because of the tension between the two families. In the same way that violence affected the citizens of Verona, violence can have an enormous impact on society. The first way violence affects a community is that it affects the lifestyles of those caught between the …show more content…

In Verona, the people are tired of all the killings in the streets. Their children, who the are most worried about, have probably seen many people die in front of them as a result of sword duels between the Montagues and Capulets. The citizens are tired of the fighting a and want to get away from them. As a result of this, people would not come into the town as much to buy from the market stalls. In common times, people do they same. They limit their options of stores, restaurants, and attractions based on the violence surrounding a specific area. Another consequence is that people could potentially does if they are stuck between the fighting. Currently, thousands of people have been leaving Syria because of the civil war in their country. People have to leave their homes to relocate in Europe. Several of these people do not make it because of the hazardous traveling conditions. In the US, multiple people have been killed because of

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