School shootings and those who instigate them have changed over time by the perspectives of these people that are influenced by violence. Couples of years ago, school shooters were kids that got traumatized, raped, bullied, etc. A perfect example of this would be Evan Ramsey. Evan walked into his high school with a 12- gauge shotgun and killed two people. He had a chaotic home life. His mother was an alcoholic who lived with a series of violent men. He lived in 10 different foster homes where he got both sexually and physically abused. I feel that Evan did this because of the tragic life or even for attention. His life wasn't a good life and it's sad that the events that occurred to him had to happen. Now things have changed and anyone can
When thinking about school shootings names like Columbine and Sandy Hook pop up. Those are the most tragic by far, however everyone always ask why such a horrible crime happens, but no one has never stopped and researched why such hate crimes like those happen. Instead people resort to Channel 2 or Fox 5 for answers, not realizing that their story isn’t the full truth. I am truly against school shootings; looking for answers myself. If there’s one thing I’ve picked up from the media is how they portray school shootings with mental illness, but according to violence says, “They want to get back at those who hurt them or revenge.” Many adults always struggled to realize why things as vigorous as shootings happens; also fail to realize they are the start of something so tragic. There are several reasons that lead to a school shooting but only five are common.
Initially, for a school shooter to become an enemy to society they have to be raised differently. For example, Adam Lanza, shooter who caused the horrible deaths of children at Sandy Hook elementary, was raised by a mom who lived in a rural area in New Hampshire where hunting and shooting guns was a regular activity there. Adam showed signs of interest to guns at an early age and his mom would buy him guns to start collecting at age 14. At this point in time he was diagnosed mentally ill and he started to be obsessed with violent fantasies. A main reason his mom would buy him guns is so that they can share an interest in something together and bond. So you have to take into consideration that what happens whilst a child is growing up and how they are raised will impact future actions.
“Shooting massacres” in school settings, a new phenomenon within the past 50 years, are extremely rare events. Over 23 years, 1990-2012, 215 fatal school shooting incidents resulted in 363 deaths, equivalent to 0.12% of national firearm homicides during that time period …… Among these, just three shooting rampages – Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Sandy Hook Elementary School – accounted for 72 (53.3%) of these 135 deaths. The frequency of random/ rampage shooting incidents in schools has remained within the narrow range of 0 to 3 episodes per year.” (Shultz, et al., 2013, p. 84)
Connecticut, Georgia, Colorado, Virginia, Oregon, Michigan, and Tennessee are the sites in which some of the most viscous school crimes have occurred. In this day and age it seems as if school isn't a safe haven for America's children anymore. School shootings are on the rise more than ever in today's society with kids as young as 9 years old committing these gruesome crimes against their classmates and instructors. To see this type of action among kids is heartbreaking and sad. People wonder what makes a child want to kill another or how did they get their little hands on such a powerful weapon. Most of the young killers today find it very easy to gain access to guns and bomb making material via the Internet. By using the internet
Over the years, there has been many fatal shootings in schools. Many of these shootings have been caused from both genders, and all ages. This following fall 2016, the new “open carry” will be allowed at San Jacinto College, and I disagree with this decision. The new “open carry” will cause more danger in schools. “Open carry” law refers to the act of publicly carrying a gun on one’s person plain sight.
Recently in America a tragedy occurred in San Bernardino, 14 people were murdered by 2 people that allegedly had ties to ISIS. Although officers responded in a matter of minutes, that speed isn’t always available, especially in rural areas. Is this the beginning of a change in America? I believe this is so and I also believe mass shootings should be addressed more specifically school shootings because the means of protection aren’t there. “Since 2013, there have been at least 161 school shootings in America- an average of nearly one a week.” (161 School Shootings in America Since 2013. That statistic includes 3 Indiana schools St. Mary’s Catholic School in Griffith, Indiana on 4/21/14, Purdue University on 1/21/14 and Indiana State on 9/29/14, also a high school in Louisville, Kentucky a day after the Indiana State shooting. These aren’t just happening on the west coast or down in Florida where the news only talks about, the places that seem to never be close, they’re happening close to home
Rampage-style school shootings are rare and tragic events. Although measures of prevention have become more advanced, school shootings have increased in frequency over the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. Here in the United States, they have become especially prevalent, with 63 shootings just this year (Acevedo). The aftermath of rampage shootings leaves gaping holes and questions in communities. People try to heal and seek closure at their own pace, but the biggest question most are left with is “why”? In Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings, Katherine S. Newman seeks to answer this question. She lays out her research and methodology for studying rampage shootings and comes to the conclusion that shootings are not spontaneous, but rather the build up of psychological issues and negative sociological situations within a student’s community that causes them to seek to regain power over their own lives through a rampage shooting. The story Rampage builds out of the narratives of shooters and their victims along with national data and trends is important because it highlights the places that our societies fail in providing a safety net for deviant students and their peers.
School shootings have become an issue in recent years, wreaking havoc on young minds and ending lives. There are perfect solutions to this problem but getting rid of all of the weapons in the world is unrealistic. So the next best option is using an armed guard to protect the students and staff in schools. Armed guards are efficient in protecting everything they are used for so why not use them to protect the children and college students of America.
Gun violence is a crisis in the United States and it has now dominated national debate since the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida. A 19 year old killed 17 and injured 14 people at the school. The article, “No, there haven't been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong,” is by John Woodrow Cox and Steven Rich is published in the Washington Post on February 15, 2018. According to the article, Everytown for Gun Safety, a non-profit group, co- founded by Michael Bloomberg, defines a school shooting as “‘anytime a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building or on a school campus or grounds.”’ Yet the Gun Violence Archive defines school shootings as those that take place during school
The problem with society, is that people tend to wait for the problem to occur before making a change. Troubled children and teens have always existed but unfortunately now we’ve entered into an era where shootings are no longer just seen in action movies, it has now become a reality in our schools. Why do these children end up killing their classmates and why the number of school shootings in America have increased in the past several years? These articles try to give some kind of explanation into why these tragic accidents occur. As well as preventions that teachers, parents, and the community as a whole can partake in. This paper will focus on these two main ideas or themes.
December the 14th 2012 twenty first graders and six adult lives were taken at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The government is stepping in and passing stronger laws to keep the public safe. If gun control is regulated we would have less crime and less violence. Since the year of 2013 there has been a at least 175 school shooting in american that puts it at least one shooting per week. When it comes to american’s being exposed to gun fire these shooting are just a tip of the ice berg. A single school district in Washington D.C. had at least 336 gun shots in the vicinity of school over a single school year. This has depressed student enrollment by 5 percent. In the two years since the mass shooting in Newton , Connecticut
“From all these friends, I could not escape learning some of the statistics that I preferred not to know. Forty-one people at the mall had been wounded. Nineteen had died. Everyone said it was a miracle that only nineteen perished. What has gone wrong with our world when nineteen dead can seem like any kind of miracle?” - Renowned author Dean Koontz.
Emotional wellness issues have been frequently shown another big cause of these shootings. Most school shooters were mentally sick or demonstrated side effects of psychological wellness issues. An opportunity for mental and psychiatric help could help stop these shootings. According to, ¨, from 2011 and 2013, more people believe that mass shootings result from a failure of the mental-health system than from easy access to guns. Eighty per cent of the population believes that mental illness is at least partially to
The effort of this paper is designed to provide an audience with the basic framework in preventing, reacting to, and recovering from a school shooting. By analyzing the crisis of a school shooting, this paper will lay out the practical steps in preparing schools, communities, and local agencies for a tragedy that has already shook many communities across the nation. This paper will also follow the steps necessary to implement and evaluate a school shooting preparedness plan. In concluding this paper, school staff, local agencies, and families will be able to take the practical steps towards providing a safe and comfortable learning environment for students.
It is without a doubt that there has been an increase in violent crimes in schools throughout recent years. School shootings continue to become more and more common, especially in North America. Safety concerns for any and all students and staff in schools are at all all time high due to the high number of fatal and non-fatal occurring incidences. Since 2013 to the present, it is estimated that the United States has seen approximately 205 school shootings. Weekly, that is a shocking one shooting on average. Many of these shootings have resulted in the injuries and deaths of multiple of students and staff members. (Everytown Research, 2017) Evidently, school shootings are tragic events that affect so many more people than just the victims. However, these events are also interesting to look at from the psychological and sociological point of views. Through much research, it can be concluded that school shootings are a complex problem that are caused by a mix of improper brain development and societal and media influences which motivate school shooters to emerge. Psychological factors may include struggling with mental illnesses and/or abuse that leads to damaged brain development. Additionally, being bullied and/or the role of the media are examples of sociological factors.