
Violence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is always thought to be a play about innocence, love and the ideal version of lovers sacrificing themselves for one another. People do not realise what characterises love. Baz Lurhmann has transformed an iconic masterpiece of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to explore the issues in everyday society such as violence in the streets and the feelings that drive it, religion as the root of most violence and minorities experiencing victimisation. These themes add additional layers of meaning and also create a contemporary version of the original story itself.

Both the film and play display many scenes of violence as a result of the hatred between the two families. In Act 1 scene 1, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Tybalt does not …show more content…

In also Act Three Scene One, Shakespeare uses the element of tragedy to create more suspense.

“This day’s black fate on moe days doth depend’

This quote demonstrates how Romeo foresees that the fight with Tybalt is going to have consequences. While in Romeo + Juliet, Tybalt is killed and resulted in more problems occuring rather than solving the complications already existing. This creates a downward spiral in complication.

In the film, Romeo becomes vindictive and wants Tybalt killed. When Romeo shoots Tybalt, he falls into the water and the Romeo realises what damage he had done. The water symbolises purification from all evil that was possessing the person.

This quote demonstrates the feud is the cause of his death also demonstrates how bold he is in saying such expresssions.

In Romeo + Juliet, melancholy music is played in the background when Mercutio is on his last breath before he dies. This makes the viewer feel devastated and creates a dramatic ending for the character in the

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