
Violent Video Games And Aggression Analysis

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Since their appearance in the market, video games are the often the subject of moral debates. Parents are afraid they will influence their children to act out and commit crimes. Mental health professionals worry they'll impact psychological development. In most cases, this is the result of the need of a scapegoat. People need something to blame for the wrong they observe in the immediate world around them. Video games follow rock'n'roll, comic books, and even radio in a long list of sources of moral panic. There is no evidence to support the claim that they are, without a doubt, the reason for violent crime in teens.
Studies into the effects of violent video games on teenage behavior stem back decades. Yet no study has isolated video games as being the sole contributor to juvenile violence. Consumption of video games continues to rise, while violent crimes committed by teens are in decline. Total video game sales in the US increased 204% from 1994 to 2014. Meanwhile, murders committed by juveniles acting alone fell 76% in that same period (1). If the claims of critics were valid, then what should be happening is an increase in teenage crime. As …show more content…

Many experiments that blame video games for increased aggression and desensitization to violence do not account for factors such as family history and mental health. It's questionable to claim that video games alone could turn a previously upstanding teen into a delinquent. Previous experiments often relied on only ten minutes of playing followed by a questionnaire to establish increased regression levels. With such limited data, it's easy to make rash assumptions. A three year study conducted by psychology professor Christopher J. Ferguson saw the effects of violent video games on aggression vanish when adjusted to how the games are played in real life. (3) In fact, over time, video games seemed to actually help players

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