
Are Violent Video Games Dangerous For Young Mind And Society?

Satisfactory Essays

Are violent video games dangerous for young minds and society? No, because in some ways kids are smart enough not to go out and kill someone or steal a car. One reason is that society is most of the buyer of their kids or minors video games so if they wanted to have the influence that there kids might go out and kill someone. Then why would they buy it? My second reason is that kids like I said are not under the influence of their video games they just play them. My third reason is that you have to be 18 to buy a mature video game so if they wanted to buy it they would have to go to their parents and they could agree or disagree for their son/daughter to play that game. This is why video games are not dangerous for kids. Society …show more content…

This is still an easy way to get ahold of violent video games all you have to do is get money an ask an adult to come with you and get the games. Not just that but that’s still a good way to get kids not to buy violent video games but parent still buy it for their kids cause they think it’s safe. Violent video games have a rating for that reason. Some physco would have to go out and kill someone. And if you have noticed in most violent video game commercials or music videos the kid or minor is playing the violent video games. These are a few reasons why u have to be 18 to buy a violent video games or mature rated games. Are violent video games dangerous for young minds and society? My answer is no and these are the few reasons how I support my claim. These are only a few reasons why violent video games are not dangerous for kids. One reason is that society is most of the buyer of their kids or minors video games so if they wanted to have the influence that there kids might go out and kill someone. Then why would they buy it? My second reason is that kids like I said are not under the influence of their video games they just play them. My third reason is that you have to be 18 to buy a mature video game so if they wanted to buy it they would have to go to their parents and they could agree or disagree for their

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