
Virginia Cunningham Make Pusit Essay

Decent Essays

“SNAKE PIT” Virginia Cunningham experienced periods of mental instability prior to her mental illness. Describe one of those incidents from the movie (5pts) At the very beginning, Virginia thought she was at the park, she thought a male voice was speaking with her that then changed into a woman. She also saw others around her, well just in fact she was with a fellow female client and didn’t know her actual surroundings. She thought she was at a zoo, but saw the bars and feared she was in a prison. What signs and symptoms did you notice that she displayed (5pts)? Virginia didn’t know of her location, fellow clients she frequently saw, her doctor or husband. She was vague on her past, due to having “missing days”. She feared being held against …show more content…

They turned their nose up in the air as if they thought they was better than her. Even though most probably came from a similar background such as her. They treated her like animals and soulless creatures, which was very bullyish as well as right out cruel. Do you think the baby doll Virginia wanted had anything to do with the others pregnancy (5pts)? I do, I think she just wanted to love someone, or in this case some thing like she wanted to be love. I think in a sense she wanted to also be like her mom, as all daughters want to be when they are little. What did you think of Gordon (2.5pts)? I thought Gordon was quite masculine in a sense. He was dominating in his and Virginia’s relationship. Didn’t ask her if she wanted to get married, rather said that they would get married. He was controlling and a stickler for time. How alike were Gordon and Virginia’s father (2.5pts)? I do to a certain point, They both care for her, whether it was to be well dressed or to want whats best for her. He was also head of the family and firm in rules such as her father. Only because she wanted love and protection. Do you think Virginia’s mother ignored her after remarrying, or was this something the Virginia as a child perceived in her own mind

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