There are thousands of colleges and universities in the US, but for some reason I’ve gravitated to making Virginia Tech my number one choice. My motivation for this may stem from my passion of pursuing a career structured around engineering and fast cars, and I feels as if this school may be the place where I can begin to achieve my goals. Virginia Tech is one college that offers tons of courses in that field of study, which is great for a person like me who wants to learn as much as I possibly can.
Another great thing about this school is that it offers access to a few different extracurricular activities that I would be thrilled to take part in. Thanks to my enthusiasm for automobiles some of the activities I look forward to are the Rally
Since fourth grade, I’ve been recognized as a GT student, which stands for gifted and talented. I’ve been selected to participate in the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders summer program and the National Youth Leadership Forum for National Security, Diplomacy, Intelligence, and Defense. My school district has selected me to attended SA-PREP (Prefreshman Engineering Program) for the past four summers. Each of those summers have been spent at San Antonio local colleges such as Northwest Vista College, Texas A&M San Antonio, St. Mary’s University, and University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA). PREP is a two-month summer seminar and is a STEM
I would love to attend Wake STEM Early College High School because I believe it will give me a head start on my learning after the high school level. Your program will improve my college experience and save thousands of dollars in college tuition by giving me an associates degree and high school diploma upon graduation. I am also exceedingly interested in a career in science or mathematics. I have always been focused on learning science and math because it is something I love to do and I can have a successful career in the future by using those skills. I understand that attending this prestigious school will require a certain level of maturity and willingness to work hard. As an 8th grader at West Lake Middle School, I am a member of the National
If I attend Villanova, I will make community a verb by getting involved through community service, athletics, and research. One project I am particularly interested in is Engineers Without Borders. I would like to help them in their goal of improving the quality of life in developing communities worldwide. It is not only a great travel opportunity, but I would also get to help people in need, and there’s nothing more rewarding than that. I am also interested in the Relay For Life event. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in America and my grandfather died from lung cancer when I was younger. If the cure was found, millions of lives would be saved. I would try my best to raise as much money possible to join the fight against it.
I desire acceptance into Virginia Space Coast Scholars (VSCS) Program to expand my knowledge horizons, and to take advantage of this learning opportunity. As a VSCS participant, I would gain experience in significant fields of study affecting the world in which we live. In junction with the great prestige of this program it would help me in my application for college, and it will enrich my overall education. I believe that I will be successful given that I have the am a fast learner. My core strengths academically, are Math and Science without a doubt. Technology has become more integrated in the lives of society. These are all reasons why a student such as I would find it necessary to be adept with these instruments of the digital age. I present myself as a strong candidate due to the fact that I would be motivated and excel as hands-on, kinesthetic learning teaches with exceptional results.
The GSSM would be the perfect community for me to be a part of. I have visited your campus and was amazed to find many similar minded individuals attending. Like me, they all aspire to make something of themselves and contribute to this ever evolving world. I would
I would really like the opportunity to attend Wake STEM Early College High School. When I attended open house I saw that the students were interested in the same kind of things as me. They were excited about learning and working on projects together. That is the kind of school where I could work best. I have wanted to be a Mechanical/Computer engineer for as long as I can remember. STEM HS would be a great start on the way to a good engineering school. The 1.5 - 2 years of college credits would help my family tremendously by saving a lot of money.
Though I haven’t had the most involvement in extracurricular activities, I have been trying to turn that around. I joined FCCLA at the start of freshman year. FCCLA was an excellent experience to improve my leadership skills, as well as getting engaged with the school and community. This ranged from helping out with school activities, to collecting and organizing books to be donated to children, and crafting dog beds to donate to the Cedar Valley Humane Society. I ended up not resigning up for FCCLA the following year due to my dealing with a difficult death in my family. However, since then I have gotten stronger and want to expand my community involvement. For that reason, I joined Student Council after the end of my junior year. As a representative, I help in school activities and decision-making. Though I’m a newer member, I’m excited to be a part of the Student Council. I have also recently joined the Science National Honor Society. I was able to join this club because of my accomplishments in science. I doubled up biology and chemistry my sophomore year, challenged myself by taking AP Chemistry my junior year, and am currently enrolled in the Pharmacology Technician program at Kirkwood as a senior. I am eager to see guest speakers and have already signed up for a couple of community service activities in this
Georgia Tech is one of the most exalted schools in southern Georgia; every gifted student has considered applying at one point or another. The extreme difficulty and strenuous workload of some of the courses, in particular the formidable mathematical courses, puts off many from further consideration or even attempting the grind. However, I consider myself a risk-taker. I don’t want to waste my time taking an effortless, easy journey through college. Georgia Tech, although difficult, will be completely worth the while. This school will encourage me to achieve great things, and these things will take so much time and effort that my competition will never even have dreamed of accomplishing these goals. Victory at Georgia Tech would mean so much
Being the ASB president is a dream. I would do announcements almost everyday and I would be in the ASB store a lot. I think crochet club will be interesting. I would love to make the water bottle carrier in crochet. 6th grade will be amazing either way! My favorite subject is math because of fractions and area as well. I can’t wait for culinary club to start because I love cooking.
I have always known that I wanted to attend a top-tier university. The other details came later; the small size, the proximity to an urban hub, and my major itself. For a while, I was convinced that it would not happen; that I just wouldn’t get in. Now, I realize that I have an opportunity to do so. This is an opportunity I do not intend to waste.
The life event that was chosen was a sad, awful tragedy that struck the Northern Virginia Community as well as the rest of the world. In 2007, a 5th year student named Cho entered Virginia Tech with multiple weapons. He decided to shoot and attack 30 students and faculty members. Finally, ending his life before the police had the chance to intervene. Cho also sent a video to NBC News of himself ranting about “wealthy brats” as well as other topics (HistoryChannel, 2007). There were multiple arguments about the issue of Virginia Tech not sending out a warning of Cho’s first two victims, which were thought of as an alone domestic fight. However, after multiple other shots fired the news of the massacre aired in schools worldwide.
Growing up in a household of six,there is a lot of competition, especially when you are the middle child. My mother always says,"Focus on your education. Education is the one thing that no one can take away. Take control of your life." This is what I'm doing now, I'm taking control of the opportunities I am given. I am a highley eligable candidate because of my wonder for new knowledge and my drive for more. Being an agressive and competitive athlete, I am easily excited by challenging things that I face everyday, that's why I love the challenges that come with my school curriculum. It makes you think, and I'm a thinker. I already have one college that I really want to go to, but it is in Virgina and out of state tuition is a lot. I am planning on getting a ph.d in Data analytics at Virginia Polyetich institute of technology, also known as Virginia tech. I have a teacher that has a degree in engineering and she said that they're program is an excellent one, and that is what I am initially looking for. With my degree, I would like to help not change, but re-mold the world into something our ancestors never thought to even imagine.
Speaking is form of art that can either be a natural gift or a practiced talent. Much like there are several different ways a person can draw: cartooning, free hand, or realistic, there are many ways in which a person can speak. Nikki Giovanni’s speech “We Are Virginia Tech” makes people cry, rejoice, and move on. A speech is one form of art that can evoke these types of emotions from people.
I love physics almost more than anything else. However, I am interested in a liberal arts education at the same time. Liberal arts colleges are better at providing unique and wonderful experiences to students. People get to build lifelong relationships with other amazing people at a liberal arts college, and they will have a better understanding of humanity. I was very worried because not many liberal arts colleges that I like offer engineering courses, and hence I was so excited to know Wellesley has limitless educational options. I learned from a Wellesley representative visiting our high school that students who are interested in the field of engineering can take classes at Olin College and MIT. This has also inspired me to make Wellesley my first-choice. More importantly, for a long time, accesses to the field of hardcore science and math are limited to women, and it is very rare to see women working as engineers. This educational opportunity provided by Wellesley empowers women, making them to be different from and much stronger than what general people believe them to
I am thoroughly excited to possess the opportunity to go to my top school of choice, Norfolk State University! They make sure that they thoroughly prepare