
Virtue Ethics Theory Analysis

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Summary for Ethical Theories

General of Basic Principles

1-Virtue Ethics
Virtue Ethics is focusing on a person's character and not on the nature or consequences of the specific action taken,Virtue ethics, or moral ethics, is one of the theories of normative ethics. Virtue ethics focuses on the moral subject, that is, the motivator of the act, the character of the moral subject as the driving force of ethical behavior. And the teleology, the greatest difference between the obligations of virtue, moral ethics is not in accordance with a single standard to determine whether the behavior is in line with the moral, but from the overall judgment. In order to understand ethics, we must understand what makes people a virtuous person.but in my view …show more content…

This theory argues that decisions should be made on the basis of the factors of duty and other rights. This theory was pioneered on the basis of the deontological Kant's formulation in which he argued that to act morally rightly, one must act on duty, and this is the motive of the person performing an action that makes them right or wrong, not the consequence of his actions. It is rooted in morality in the human rational capacity and affirms an inviolable moral law.

Utilitarianism is a theory of ethics. Benefitism advocates the pursuit of "the greatest happiness", the theory of efficiency that is good, that the criteria for determining the appropriateness of action is the degree of effectiveness of the results. It always lead to a greatest happiness that will comes after the action that taken by human, however in order to get it purpose, there will be a part of human that getting hurt by the action. This theory, will sacrified a thing in order to get a greater number of happiness. Simply it has following by two side of feeling, pain and happiness.

Differences of Each Ethical

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