
Visit A Visit Lonavala

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Synopsis (200ch): Visit the twin hill stations of Khandala and Lonavala for a weekend. Located just 83 kms from Mumbai, they make for a great spot of vacation. Read all about these picturesque places of Maharashtra!
Short summary (50-60 words):
Plan a rejuvenating getaway to the twin hill stations of Khandala and Lonavala, located just at a distance of 83 km from Mumbai!
The two towns are packed with scenic beauty like caves, lakes, waterfalls, forts and much more!
With activities like trekking and rappelling, and natural resources galore, Lonavala and Khandala makes the perfect weekend destination.

Getaway To The Enchanting Twin Hill Stations Of Khandala And Lonavala

Peaks, dams, lakes, waterfalls, forts, caves, you name it. Lonavala has it all! It is an enchanting hill station, located just 83 km from Mumbai. The name Lonavala is derived from two Prakrit words Len and Avali which translates to “a series of resting places carved out of stone”, in simple it refers to caves. …show more content…

These two hill stations, snuggled in the lofty Western Ghats, make for the perfect weekend getaway destination, with their beautiful landscape and natural resources that is enhanced by mystic climate.

Chikki, a harden sweet candy usually made of peanuts, is a famous savoury snack of Lonavala. Enjoy hot and delicious Vada Pavs and Masala Chai coupled with the scenic beauty of Khandala and Lonvala!

Best Time To Visit Khandala and

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