
Visiting Nurses Association ( Vna )

Decent Essays

With these great services, there comes many challenges. The first challenge being that the center is serving so many the need for a bigger building is required as the program grows. Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) of Kennett has been so kind to donate a brand-new building for the nutrition center to move and can expand its services. With the new building, Laura Ford is implementing new hours from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., an in-door walking tack, a room with computer for classes, exercise programs, arts and crafts, a game room, a library, and intergenerational programs. The second challenge, there is a lack of volunteers for this program. There is limited staff and it mostly made up of volunteers. They take the money saved from paying a …show more content…

There is a Silver Haired Legislature (SHL) elected body of volunteer citizens aged 60 and up that promote and advocate for Missouri’s older adults. “The Silver Haired Legislature is defined as an opportunity structure, and, as such, challenges the present state of knowledge on the politics of the elderly” (Matura, 1982). This legislature group works on ethics and policy making and takes the concerns of the community to the state government level to lobby for certain things. This is a great benefit to have on the program’s side because they are making the concerns of our rural community known at the state level and raising awareness of the problems. The legislature group assists in fighting for social justice for the clients and helps resolve the issues concerning the government. There are very few challenges that I find with this program and I believe that they can all be resolved through dedication and resiliency.
Social Work Values and Ethics
The social work core values are visible in every aspect of the nutrition program. The core values include service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. I believe that my strategy will promote the social work values of service and social justice. This is such a beneficial program to the elderly population and it provides

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