
Vladimir Lenin: The Bolshevik Revolution

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The 20th century would see the rise and fall of many civilizations, empires, and nations. Arguably none of these republics were greater than the Soviet Union. Nor, any revolutionary as influential as the Soviet Union’s founder, Vladimir Lenin. This communist nation stretched over two continents and into the middle east and had risen from the ashes of another empire. If it had not have been for a revolutionary born on April 22, 1870 the world today would be a completely unrecognizable place. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born into a middle class family, yet he recognized the struggle of proletarians, or the working class, under the oppressive rule of the Russian Monarchy and capitalism. While in college, he began protesting and attending demonstrations …show more content…

While in his exile Vladimir Lenin had voraciously consumed the writings of Marx; reading Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ The Communist Manifesto truly inspired Lenin. He realised that there was only one way to seize the means of production from the bourgeoisie: revolution. Tension had been building between Romanovs and the people of their country since the February Revolution where protesters outside of the winter palace were massacred by Tsar Nicholas II’s Imperial Guard (“Vladimir Lenin” 18). Lenin rose through the ranks of the Communist party until he split off into his own faction: the Bolsheviks. A scapegoat was provided for Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution in that successfully ousted and executed Tsar Nicholas II and the rest of the royal family. From there Lenin seized the means of production from the bourgeoisie and put them into the able hands of the proletarians and successfully established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). To me Vladimir Lenin was a role model because he inspired so many people to revolution, fought for the proletarians, and established a union that would go on to become a global …show more content…

While I personally cannot build a country or overthrow a government I can still work to make my country a better place. By helping out at a community soup kitchen or volunteering to phone bank for my local Democratic party I apply the virtues from Vladimir Lenin’s life to my own. Just as Lenin strived to help the socioeconomically disprivileged through abolishing the oppressive system to keep them in line I have the same goals, but with different means. By supporting Bernie Sanders and his own ‘political revolution’ I feel like I am supporting the candidate Vladimir Lenin or any other communist would have supported. Many people have deeply rooted issues with communism or the Soviet Union itself and incorrectly believe that Vladimir Lenin was a dictator or a fascist himself; therefore, they choose to ignore his achievements and look at him as a villain rather than a comrade or role model. Even though the Soviet was eventually corrupted by Joseph Stalin, who was’ leadership was opposed by Lenin, without Joseph Stalin’s leadership the USSR may not have gotten involved in WWII. Without Soviet assistance it is plausible that the Allies might not have won the war. Positive things did come from the nation Lenin created even after he was gone. There is no way to get other people with this bias to look at Vladimir Lenin as anything but

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