
Voltaire's Enlightenment Ideas

Decent Essays

From the beginning of America both citizens and non-citizens have enjoyed freedom

of religion, freedom of speech or of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, and the

right to petition the government for answers redress to grievances. (Madison J) This

freedom is derived from the United States Constitution, Bill Of Rights 1st Amendment.

In many respects, the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was pre-

formed during a period of dramatic socio-political change in France. This period is

commonly known as the Enlightenment. During the period of Enlightenment forward

thinking individuals discussed radical concepts of inalienable rights.

One of these Enlightenment figures central to our freedom …show more content…

Voltaire’s Enlightenment ideas and the struggle to maintain these rights of free speech

and free information is as important now as it has ever been. Voltaire’s Enlightenment

ideas had been supported in the United States Constitution, Bill Of Rights 1st Amendment

until October 26, 2001, when President George W. Bush signed the United and

Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and

Obstruct Terrorism Act, better known as the PATRIOT Act. The PATRIOT Act was a

direct result of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

Through the enactment of the PATRIOT Act, essential rights and freedoms that

were once guaranteed to all individuals have been substantially reduced. Many

Americans still do not realize what they have lost regarding their previous freedoms that

they enjoyed in the pre-9/11 America.

Freedom of Association has been threatened under the PATRIOT Act Section

805(a)(2)(B). This section broadened the definition in Federal law of providing “material

support or resources” to terrorist organizations. Added to the definition of “material

support” to terrorist organization was “expert assistance or advice”. (PATRIOT

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