We organized a volunteering day event, where students could volunteer in some of the activities we provided. We had stations to make blankets, clothing and food drive, making cards and coloring books for children in hospitals, and other activities. I was in charge of collection prizes for the Spin Prize Wheel. We used the Spin Prize Wheel to attract more students to participate in the event. We had 214 students volunteering the day of the event, two boxes of food and over 90 13gal trash bags full of clothes
Donations to illnesses: we can set up a charity inside the school or perhaps fieldtrips could be helping the homeless.
During my first year at UCLA, I had the opportunity to volunteer with the Black Pre-Health Organization on campus to put together an annual youth festival for children living in underserved communities within the greater LA area. Our goal during the festival was to promote healthy lifestyles by teaching the kids, through interactive workshops and activities, the importance of good nutrition and fitness. As a volunteer, I was able to interact with the kids and create a great bond with many of them while providing tips on how they could turn an unhealthy everyday snack into a wholesome, beneficial one. During the festival, we provided the youth with snacks, various health resources and free hygiene products so that they could begin their new
I later realized that I should try to get some of my friends and classmates involved too. l started out my junior year. One thing our teacher tried to teach us was the acts of random kindness. After practicing random acts of kindness throughout the school, I mentioned the idea of volunteering a couple of hours with the Angel Tree. I also encouraged our school’s Student Council to help. The club adopted two angels. By doing so, this gave the students the desire to want to volunteer again the following year. This year, we had Beta club, student council and two dual credit classes, a total of 40-50 students, volunteer at the warehouse for 2 days. Some even came back during Christmas Break and volunteered at the Distribution Day. Not only is it important to lead and serve others, but one should also encourage those around him or her to serve others as
The first volunteer trip to the senior center started out as a cosmetology project and with a lack of students in the course, i opened it up to any student in the school. With the max total of 16 girls, we arrived at the senior center and held a mini spa day for the residents. Myself and
Volunteering has provided our community with new and refreshing ideas of how we can improve our small town and world. New ideas from community leaders and community organizations have led to a household supply drive being hosted at
I would love to participate in Lakeland Regional Health's Teen Volunteer Summer Program because I want the opportunity to learn more about my future career. By doing the Teen Volunteer Summer Program, I will be able to understand just how much my future Career encompass and get a heads up on what to expect. By volunteering in the summer program, I would also be gaining the amount of hours that I need to graduate high school with honors on my diploma. I hope that I am able to volunteer in this summer program to put all that I have learned in health class to good use.
Our advisory was invited again to volunteer at YMCA since we did such a successful and fun job last time for the Healthy Kids Day event in April. For this community service, we helped set up a talent show they were hosting. This show was where kids had been preparing for weeks to this day. The kids got to sing, dance, and just mess around. While the kids were partying, the volunteers were at stations where the kids could create things. One station was for crafting with pencils, one was for creating grape caterpillars, and the last one was for serving people popcorn and drinks which was the one I worked at. The kids were very hungry because four pounds of popcorn was all gone before the show started. Four pounds is a lot especially since popcorn
Our freshman seminar class volunteered and helped fundraise for JDFR which helps fund and research Type 1 Diabetes. Some of us did the walk, and others helped by fundraising at a table. Personally, I sat at the table for three hours and fundraised. Overall, I thought that this was a nice and enjoyable experience.
Last year in high school, I was very active in my school's FFA and NHS chapter. In my chapters, I put together multiple service projects such as canned food drives, clean up after the town's annual rodeo, events to teach the public about agriculture, tutoring sessions, bake sales, and many other events throughtout the year.
Being new to Iowa just three years ago, volunteering in community events was a great way for me to build relationships and get my name out in the community. My sophomore and junior year at William Penn, I participated in Education Club, which opened the door to many great volunteer opportunities. I believe these experiences really helped me build strong relationships with people in the community. These volunteer opportunities also got my name out there in the community, which will help me when I build relationships with my students’ parents.
Day Of Service and this meant going from street to street in our neighborhood and cleaning the environment in the area and making it a safer surrounding for others, and other similar community events like other clean ups which were held every fall and spring time in
After becoming a member of the National Society for Leadership and Success, I participated in countless hours of volunteer work for my community. One particular event that I always attend is the Raid for Kids. This event is a community Halloween event that provides children with a safer alternative to trick or treating. The event occurs on the University campus during day light hours and is supervised by volunteers and organizers. Later on I joined Habitat for Humanity in Albany, Georgia. Last year we participated in neighborhood clean-up projects. Recently Albany, Georgia had a destructive tornado that wrecked havoc on the city. So after the storm we came together to offer our help to people who were less fortunate than we were. This service
Another activity I participated in was Student Council. I was elected treasurer my junior and senior year. This meant that I was in charge of budgeting for dances. Considering I was in charge of the money, I often was the one decorating for dances as well. We also run the food can drive and Little Kids Christmas. Little Kids Christmas is about giving gifts to children who are less fortunate in the Norwalk community. This includes anything from low income to a parent in the military overseas. We also fundraise for the Norwalk leadership scholarship through activities like the Lakewood Lock In, where Lakewood students pay a small fee for a night of fun activities.
Some of the activities I was involved in include: Jump Rope for Heart, concession stands for sports, and tutoring for middle school students. My favorite volunteer experience was Little Hoopers. Little Hoopers is a basketball program at my school that teaches children from kindergarten to third grade about basic basketball skills. It took place during basketball season on Saturday mornings. My job was to correct any skills the kids were doing incorrectly, like passing the ball or shooting it. I also had to be sure the kids didn’t misbehave and give them advice if they ever discouraged themselves. I truly enjoyed seeing the children’s faces as they made a basket or accomplished a skill they’ve been trying incredibly hard to achieve. Their smiling faces put a smile on my face.
We came up with ideas for our week, by going through schools that had done things similar to this and complied them into a list, the list follows;