
Voter Fraud Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

SOURCE: “The Voter Fraud Commission Wants Your Data — But Experts Say They Can’t Keep It Safe,” Jessica Huseman and Derek Willis, Pro Publica Inc, October 23, 2017.

MAIN PARTICIPANTS AND COURSE TOPICS: Kris Kobach, Joe Hall, David Becker, Shawn Davis, Kenneth White, and Bryan Caskey. The overall course topic is voter fraud.

ESSENCE OF THE STORY: Back in 2005, the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program was created as a way to see the voters who cast ballots in multiple states. Recently, Indivisible Chicago, filed a public-records request for information on the Crosscheck Program in Illinois and Florida. Upon filing for this request, officials from both states and Crosscheck reached out to Indivisible Chicago pertaining to its request. Indivisible Chicago then took it upon themselves to make the communication they exchanged with Crosscheck and the officials public. The records Indivisible Chicago shared showed that there are major security weaknesses in Crosschecks system. During the time frame of all this occurring, Kobach, who co-chairs President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission, requested vast voting data. Therefore Kobach’s request received a …show more content…

• The Presidential Advisory Commission received criticism and lawsuits when Kobach requested the voting data of: names, addresses, and date of birth; for all voters, thus creating privacy concerns.
• The new information that details Crosschecks lack of security is what led to the concern over The Presidential Advisory Commissions ability to keep the data safe.
Principle 3: Institutions matter.
• Indivisible Chicago, a progressive advocacy group, filed a public-records request in order to obtain information on the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program.
• Citizen’s information should be kept safe due to the face that the Secretaries of each state take an oath to the people of their states to protect the state

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