
Voting Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

There are a vast number of critics of the American electoral system that bring up the argument that our voters do not have the knowledge or the interest to run a democracy successfully. These critics claim that these voters lack in judgement and skill which are two main key aspects needed to successfully run a form of government. In order for a government to be run successfully we need to have voters who are informed and up to date with the current events and what the politicians have in store for us. I do not believe voters do know enough to run an efficient government. Even though there is a percentage of people out there who are knowledgeable the unknowledgeable outweighs them. To be efficient voters must possess knowledge in judgement and skills for the government to be run effectively. Voters …show more content…

Every person has a different form of voting such as that they may read the parties platform and attend their given debates and make an informative decision that way. There are others who go through the route of party identification. Party identification is where you are part of a certain political party and your loyalty is given to that party which therefore effects your vote. Political parties serve as shortcuts for voters by people voting for the party they see best fit. There are people who vote strictly for the party they give their loyalty to and not for the candidate which is not always the right way to go. The party may have beliefs and value that you agree with but sometimes the candidate may not be the best representation of the party and may not be capable of having the power that comes with the position. Although party identification is a great idea I feel for our government to run efficiently we should see the candidate themselves then look at the party to fully take in to account their core

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