
Vygotsky 's Play Theory On Human Development

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Vygotsky’s Play Theory
Many researchers strongly believe on how important play on human development. A spontaneous play contributes to cognitive, social, emotional, physical and language in early childhood development. Plays promote social competence, creativity, language development, and thinking skills. The benefits of play that children use their creativity while developing their cognitive and social skills. Children learn best where the environment provides them an opportunity to create, explore, and discover the world around them. The undirected play allows children to understand the social interaction and interact with each other and learn to negotiate, resolve conflicts, cooperate, share, and self-advocacy skills. They display emotional and develop a sense of empathy through play. It also helps children to develop self confidence and resiliency they will need when facing challenges in the future. Play is essential to children development and one of the main ways in which children learn. In other words, children learn through play.
Piaget and Vygotsky are the most recognized for their cognitive developed theories. They have significant contributions for understanding the relationship of child development and learning. This is a research on the similarities and differences in the theory of cognitive development between the two theorists.
Piaget took a more cognitive constructivist view and focused on the reasoning ability of individuals and how individuals interpret

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